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Responsive image Image by Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

What Do You See?

In the book of Exodus, we find the account of Moses being commissioned by God to lead his people from their bondage. One aspect of this account in Chapter 4 is when God asked Moses a very simple question, “What is that in your hand?” Of course, his response is similar to one we would give when we look upon our own lives,” A rod”.

What is the significance of this?

The significance lies in the fact that perception is everything in this life. Especially as we bring one year to a close and stand on the precipice of a New Year. To Moses the answer was obvious all he held in his hand was a simple rod, nothing more and nothing less. Laying aside the biblical aspect of things if all we see is mediocrity within ourselves then that is all we will ever amount to. There is a long list of variables we could interchange such as failure, difficulty, impossibility and so on. The point is the same, if that is all we are persuaded of, then so it shall be.

Change always begins with the resolution to strive to get a different result or at least put forth an honest effort to obtain such an outcome. However, this will never be so if all you are willing to see is what things have always been rather than what they could become. I know but…. and fill in the blank.

Let me ask you this, but what if you tried despite of the fact?

Truth is you can never really know until you have made the effort. That effort begins with the willingness to change your perspective, regardless of how things appear to be. Dare to believe that you can. Challenge yourself to rebel in the face of adversity. Determine to achieve something better than what you have, regardless of what they say or Murphy throws at you. While you can not choose your obstacles or change your circumstances you are able to control your perception which will aide in your responses.

Look back over this year and recognize failures for failures, successes for successes and do not downplay either. Then get resolved to have less of the one and more of the other, leaning in the direction of more successes. Resolve yourself to be willing to do what it will take to achieve this and hold yourself accountable every step of the way. Also realize that it is not a matter of comfortability, skill, pedigree, or how you were born but perception, perception, perception. The bible also mentions that without a vision that the people perish, meaning that if all you see is a rod than you will never be anything more than a shepherd herding sheep.

Do you get it now?

I encourage you to challenge yourself to seize upon the opportunities you have before you and train yourself to stop seeing your obstacles as excuses to blame someone else for your lack of aptitude or reason to remain in the rut you may find yourself. Instead, dare to evolve from a turkey into an eagle. You need no one’s permission to succeed as God has blessed you with the freedom of will do achieve or at least strive to do so, whatever your heart may desire.

It is for this same reason that 99.9% of all arguments begin between two parties, no one wants to accept that their view of the other is distorted.

On that note I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!